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Complete technical report design

Kharif Estimate Crop Report

Skymet is India’s largest weather monitoring and agro-risk solution company. It has been assisting banks and other financial institutions with Agri projections and farm loans.


Given the nature of the company, Skyment often comes up with technical reports and approaches us. Our task? To repackage them such that larger audiences across domains are not only able to consume them with ease, but also to make them appealing to the eyes. Say goodbye to dreadful dull reports that put you to sleep on the third page itself.


This report talks about kharif projections for the coming season which was presented to heads of leading financial instituions in India. These are people whose tables are filled with piles of reports, one on top of another. We needed to do something that would make this report stand out, seem eye catching while still maintaining the essence of its importance.


We created a common palette for the colour language, technical graphs, and maps. Going with colours such as orange and green was a conscious decision, done to not let one drown in the numerical mumbo jumbo by making it bright, keeping one alert, and also to highlight it’s significance to the Indian subcontinent. It was crucial to introduce uniformity and standardization in the titling system of the report. Information and design thinking were the core aspects of this project.

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This is just one of many such reports designed by our team.

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New Delhi, INDIA 110065
Design consulting agency, New Delhi, INDIA    ©  visionVIBES
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